Thursday, September 5, 2019

GOTHIC ELEMENTS are found in Wuthering Heights.

Emily Bronte famous novel “Wuthering Heights” is a well mixture  of gothic elements. Gothic novel is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. In gothic novel the atmosphere is gloom, terror and mystery. In the novel, Wuthering Heights, we encounter a atmosphere which is gloomy and lonely. For example, the ancient manor Wuthering heights and the moors everything seems to be gloomy and mysterious.
Gothic novel is often set on a ruined castle or abandoned house. The setting of Wuthering heights is also a ruined castle which is full of terror and mystery. In gothic novel the protagonist is usually villein. We find a villain protagonist in withering Heights which name is Heathcliff, Heathcliff is the perfect gothic villain.  He is dark, handsome, mysterious, and rotten to the core.  No one really knows where Heathcliff came from.   Heathcliff is also a tragic figure. He is not considered suitable to marry Catherine because he is not “a gentleman” Although he has the makings of a romantic hero, he is the villain of the story. He ultimate destroys the woman that he loves. And he becomes avenger for taking revenge on Linton family and Hindley for the sake of his insane love. Greed, revenge, jealousy, ghosts, insane love, mysterious death all  gothic things are found in Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights.
     Like all Gothic romances, Wuthering Heights has elements of the supernatural.  Supernatural events happen in the beginning of the novel and continue until the very end.  like the ghost of Catherine, barking dogs in the wuthering heights, Yorkshire moors , Tragic death of Heathcliff all stands for the supernatural existence in wuthering Heights.
It is a dark and stormy night when Mr. Lockwood is forced to spend the night at Wuthering Heights.  And while sleeping his hands are grabbed by the ghost of Cathrine This terrifying nightmare of Lockwood tells us the supernatural existence in wuthering heights.
Wuthering Heights is the ancient manor of the Earns haws.  It is situated on the Yorkshire moors.  The moors and the house are dark, desolate, and lonely.  The very name of the house suggests stormy and violent weather. The ancient house and its gloomy surroundings help to give story its gothic feel.
Wuthering Heights is also a Gothic romance because even after death of Catherine, Heathcliff calls the soul of Cathrine to come and living around him. This horror romance between Cathrine and Heathcliff demonstrates the idea that their love is alive even after death.
To sum up, we could say that Emily Bronte novel wuthering Heights is a perfect gothic genre because it is a novel which is full of Gothic elements.

How young Characters learns from their parents mistakes (cathy & Hareton) Written communication in wuthering Heignts?

In 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte, the characters find themselves unable to understand the meaning of love, but rather engage in a series of destructive, dysfunctional relationships with one another. In this lesson, we will analyze the destructive, obsessive relationships in this novel.
Dysfunctional Relationship : Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is the story of two generations of Heathcliffs, Earnshaws, and Lintons. After Heathcliff is recovered from the streets of Liverpool by Mr. Earnshaw and brought to Wuthering Heights to be part of the Earnshaw family, he is eventually well-received by his new sister, Catherine, but not by his brother, Hindley. Mr. Earnshaw's marked favoritism towards Heathcliff improves the sibling rivalry that already exists to the point that Mr. Earnshaw's death places Heathcliff in a precarious position of being raised by a brother that hates him.
With Catherine as his only ally, they become extremely close, until Catherine marries Edgar Linton for the social status and wealth he can provide her, although she truly loves Heathcliff. Heathcliff's jealousy turns into revenge after he comes into money of his own. He diabolically sets out to hurt the people around Hindley, Edgar, and Catherine, including Edgar's sister, Hindley's son, Edgar and Catherine's daughter, and even his own son. Let's look at some of the more destructive relationships from this novel.
First Generation Parenting: What was Heathcliff's life like before he came to Wuthering Heights? We know nothing about Heathcliff's parents except that they left him alone on the streets of Liverpool. Whether it is death, abandonment, or an inability to care for him that left him filthy and starving at the point where Mr. Earnshaw took him in is unknown, but the destructive effects of being left on your own at the age of seven are undeniable.
Mr. Earnshaw adores Heathcliff, but with his own children, he is more of a rigid than a loving parent. He punishes Catherine for misbehavior by withholding his love saying, ''I cannot love thee, thou'rt worse than thy brother. Go, say thy prayers, child, and ask God's pardon.'' Mr. Earnshaw shows a marked preference for Heathcliff over Hindley and even sends Hindley away to school because the two can't get along. It is no wonder that Hindley, Heathcliff, and Catherine are confused about the selfless nature of real love.
Second Generation Parenting: Catherine dies in childbirth, so we are unable to see what she would be like as a parent, but Hindley and Heathcliff are both even worse than their father. After Hindley's wife dies giving birth to their son, Hareton, Hindley becomes a violent drunk. Hareton is solely cared for by a servant, Nelly, who hides him from his father to prevent exposing the child to his rage. At one point, Hindley threatens Nelly with a knife and says, ''By heaven and hell, you've sworn between you to murder that child!''
When Hindley dies and Heathcliff takes custody of Hareton, it is only to torture him and treat him as a servant to avenge the way Hindley treated Heathcliff as a child. Heathcliff also takes custody of his own child, Linton, but doesn't treat him any better. Nelly remarks, ''I could not picture a father treating a dying child as tyrannically and wickedly as I afterwards learned Heathcliff had treated him....'' Heathcliff forces his very ill son, Linton, and Catherine's daughter, Cathy, to get married so that he can become Cathy's father and inherit Thrush cross Grange upon Linton's death.
Heathcliff and Catherine:
As bad at parenting as the characters are, they are probably even worse at developing loving romantic relationships. The worst of these is the destructive nature of the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine. Catherine knows that Heathcliff is the one she wants to be with. She tells Nelly, " It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him; and that not because he's handsome, Nelly, but because he's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire." Although she feels passionately towards Heathcliff, and even at one with him, she marries Edgar because Heathcliff does not have the means to provide her with material wealth or social status.
Resolve mistake:   Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Heathcliff, and Catherine Linton.  Cathy begins as Earnshaw, dreams of becoming Heathcliff, but ends up marrying into the Linton family.  Catherine, her daughter, does the opposite: born Linton, she becomes Heathcliff through her brief marriage to Linton, and eventually becomes Earnshaw when she marries Hareton.
      Hareton is able to forget Catherine’s unkindness. Their courtship, like Cathy and Heathcliff’s, is not shown directly.  The only explicit portrayal of their love resides in the scene at the novel’s end in which Catherine helps Hareton learn to read. Poignantly, this scene shows how Hareton finally, through the help of Catherine, is redeemed to his rightful social placing within the family.  As Catherine teaches Hareton to read, rather than scoffing at him, she rewards him with kisses.  Also like Cathy and Heathcliff, Catherine and Hareton are prone to “late rambles” on the moors (Brontë 275).  Thus, the love story of Catherine and Hareton revises that of Heathcliff and Cathy.  While the first generation breaks their attachment beyond repair, the novel shows how two very similar, though overall gentler, characters can make such a relationship work.  In this way, the two children undo the bad decisions made by their predecessors.