Friday, January 15, 2021

The Free bondsman


In the play character of the beggar as a free bondsman is most wise, optimistic, hard working and the one who do not believe in any superstitions at all. Through the character of the beggar Soyinka has also given the culture of the Nigerian society that guests are treated as god.

      The crops that had been left by flood water have also been ruined by oil.Igwezu  returns  from  the  field  greatly  disappointed  by  the  destruction  of  his  farm  due  to flood. The begger consoles  him promising that his  farm will once again  stand, and  he will give himself as his bondsman.  The tells him that he is a wanderer, a beggar by birth and fortunes. The beggar also tell to Igwezu that  he has stood where soil is good and cleaves to the toes like the clay of bricks in the mixing; but it needs the fingers of drought whose skin is parchment.

    The Bondsman is presented as Christ like figure. He is a spiritual man, he is full of hope, and he is moral and advises people in right way. He is symbol for salvation. The Bondsman also gets treatment as he is God. In Yoruba Custom, stranger is considered as god. The character of beggar introduce by Soyinka as “Christ figure who introduce a completely new force, a new way of thinking into the hidebound society of the village”. It is the reason beggar gets the special treatment from the Old Couple,

“Alu squats down and washes his feet. When this is finished, she wipes them dry, takes a small jar from one of the shelves, and rubs his feet with some form of ointment.”

       The bondsman who represented as the blind beggar  is a thinker. He does not believe in whatever. He questions the wrong ideas and persuades others also to question. He is the only person in the play who questions Kadiye and his ways. He tries to explain people not to believe in Kadiye.


 Thus, The bigger as a Bondsman is not minor character in the play. He has very much importance. He is symbol of new thinking, spirituality, morality, hard work, hope and brotherhood. Through his character Soyinka tries to say many things to reader.

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