Saturday, November 17, 2018

Important Question on Dr Faustus and Volpone

  1. Faustus Character
Answer: Doctor Faustus is a leading character. He is a brilliant scholar in sixteenth century Germany. He has a thirst for knowledge, fame. Doctors Faustus is bored with the traditional types of knowledge available to him. He wants more than logic, medicine, law and religion. He wants magic. With the help of his two close friends Valdes and Cornelius, he learn magic and called mephistophilis.  Faustus  signs a contract with lucifer . Lucifer is the master of mephistophilis. Dr Faustus offer his soul in exchange for twenty-four  years of having Mephistophilis and all his knowledge of magic at his beck and call.
         After agreement, Dr Faustus get a magic power. He plays tricks on the Pope.  He make himself invisible and stealing pope’s food and smacking his ears. For this reason he becomes famous and is invited to visit the German Emperor. He plays another tricks on horse dealer. Dr Faustus sells a horse to the horse dealer. When the dealer  ride his horse into a stream it turned into a heap of straw.  He has the demon fetch grapes for a pregnant Duchess, he conjures an image of Alexander the Great for the Emperor. In this way he plays his tricks on people's. He misuse his magic power. We see  that how little satisfaction he's actually gained from playing these small tricks, though, he cannot bring himself to do it.  He loses his soul permanently and goes to hell.

2.      Describe Seven deadly sins of Dr Faustus.
Answer:  Dr. Faustus” the tragic history of whole life and death of Dr. Faustus is written by English dramatist Christopher Marlowe.In this Drama we have seen seven deadly sins. Origin of seven deadly sins also known as a part of Christian ethics is a branch of Christian theology ,depends on the concepts of “right” (virtuous) and “Wrong” (sinful) behavior from a Christian perspective. The Seven Deadly sins are describe as follows;
  • A feeling honor and self respect;
  • Pleasure of taken in an achievement ;
  • Root of all sins;
  • In Dr. Faustus PRIDE appears when he feels that he is more superior than others.
  • Feel jealousy from others;
• Object of such feeling , desire for the qualities of another.
• In Dr. Faustus ENVY appears when he saw a power of God.
 • Sexual desires
• A lecherous act
• In Dr. Faustus LECHERY appears when dancer who came from another world.
• Extreme anger
• Forceful , violent
• In Dr. Faustus WRATH appears when he is not able to do anything in his life as he was intelligent.
• Excess in eating or drinking
• In Dr. Faustus GLUTTAONY appears when he wants much more power and position than others.
• Laziness
• Aversion to work
• Slow moving
• In Dr. Faustus SLOTH appears when he got all kind of knowledge and he feels laziness from over knowledge.
  • Greediness
  • Eagerly desirous
·         In Dr. Faustus COVETOUSNESS appears when he wants to get more and more and it is sign of this sin.

3.                  Dr. Faustus is that God is present or not.

Answer:  Dr. Faustus” the tragic history of whole life and death of Dr. Faustus is written by English dramatist Christopher Marlowe.
    Doctor Faustus does not think of God, and Marlowe conspicuously leaves God’s presence out of the play, for ultimately Faustus is a Renaissance man, a man “of dreams and aspirations and, more particularly, his failures and illusions.”  ((Masinton, 113) It is not a desire to please God that drives Faustus, but rather a desire to please Man and applaud him through his own power and successes.  It is this reason that God is left out of the bulk of the drama and the dramatic narrative.  God is not a presence in the mind of Faustus, and although Faustus is willing to recognize and deal with demons and devils, he is not willing to recognize the ultimate Christian authority of God, thereby leading to his own downfall and damnation. God is also left out of the action of the drama because the actions and evil doings of Faustus, his cohorts, and the demons involved are not under the direct influence of God as Maker or Designer.
That is why we tell that God is totally left out of the drama Dr. Faustus.

4.                  Difference between doctor faustus and Volpone.
Answer: The Difference between the doctor faustus and volpone are as follows:

Dr Faustus: Doctor Faustus is a leading character of the Drama of Dr. Faustus. He is a brilliant scholar in sixteenth century Germany. He has a thirst for knowledge, fame. Doctors Faustus is bored with the traditional types of knowledge available to him. He wants more than logic, medicine, law and religion. He wants magic. With the help of his two close friends Valdes and Cornelius, he learn magic and called mephistophilis.  Faustus  signs a contract with lucifer . Lucifer is the master of mephistophilis. Dr Faustus offer his soul in exchange for twenty-four  years of having Mephistophilis and all his knowledge of magic at his beck and call.
Volpone: Volpone is main character of Volpone play. His name means "The Fox" in Italian. He is lustful, raffish, and greedy for pleasure.He is a creature of passion, continually looking to find and attain new forms of pleasure,whatever the consequences may be. He is also energetic and has an unusual gift for rhetoric. He worships his money, all of which he has acquired through cons, such as the one he plays on Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino. Volpone has no children, but he has something of a family: his parasite, Mosca, his dwarf, Nano, his eunuch, Castrone, and his hermaphrodite, And rogyno. Mosca is his only true confidante. Volpone hates to make money through honest labour or cold, he loves making it in clever, deceitful ways.

5.                  Theme of Volpone
Answer: Actually, Volpone is, to many extents, based upon the humor theory. The main theme of volpone are as follows:
Greed:The theme of greed pervades the entire play. It is embodies by Volpone, Mosca, and all the "clients." In a sense, greed defines the major conflict of Volpone.
Animalization: This beast/animal imagery in the language is used in Volpone to represent the degeneration of the characters and moral abnormality found in Venice, portraying the city as a hotbed of crime, knavery and lust. Most of the characters names' are Italian words for animals: there are some examples are:Volpone = Fox, Mosca = Parasitic Fly, Voltore = Vulture etc.
Parasitism: Although Mosca is the foremost parasite in the play, Corvino, Corbaccio, and Voltore might well be considered parasites as well.

Metatheatricality: The theme of metatheatricality is revealing. Although there are only a few scenes which qualify as plays-within-a-play, Jonson's criticism of Elizabethan theater emerges from each. In 1.2, Mosca's account of the transmigration of Pythagoras's soul is truly obscene.
Vengeance:Though it is sparingly present in the main plot, the theme of Vengeance is much more prominent in the subplot of Volpone.
Deception: Like greed, deception pervades the entire play. As a theme, deception has the effect of marking characters for punishment.
Knowledge/Ignorance:  At any given time during the course of the play's action, no characters on stage know as much as the audience; they are all thus ignorant, though some are more ignorant than others.
6.                  What are the punishment of volpone.
Answer:Volpone is a comedy play by English playwright Ben Jonson first produced in 1605–1606, drawing on elements of city comedy and beast fable.
    At the final screen of the play we have seen that all the character is being punished who are cropped. The punishment of volpone play are as follows:
Volpone and Moska: At the final screen we have seen that all the wealth of volpone has been donated to patients and hospitals.  since he was faking illness, he is going to be put in prison in irons until he becomes really bent out of shape. Moska, the servant of Volpone is also a criminal. His punishment is that in his whole life he is in prison and whipped him in rest of his life.
Votore: In the Volpone “Act V scene 12 (the end)” we have seen that Voltore has to Leave his legal business and disbarred and exiled from Venice for life.
Corbasico and Corvino:  In the Volpone play the punishment of Corbasico is that Corbaccio is stripped of his property (which is given to his son Bonario), and Corvino is publicly humiliated, forced to wear donkey's ears while being rowed around the canals of Venice.

7.                  Importance of subplot of Volpone.
Answer: The subplot usually often revolves around a central character that plays a less central role in the main plot. Volpone has been criticized for the fact that the central characters in its subplot-Sir Politic, Lady Politic and Peregrine-play almost no role in the central plot.
   The subplot usually often revolves around a central character that plays a less central role in the main plot.  Act 4 Screen-1 and Act-4 Screen 4 nad Screen-5 are subplot which is very important for volpone play.
    Volpone has been criticized for the fact that the central characters in its subplot-Sir Politic, Lady Politic and Peregrine-play almost no role in the central plot.

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